Han Sangsoo Embroidery Academy Programs
- Field Trip Program
The purpose of this program is for participants to develop and nurture aesthetic sensitivity that enjoys the beauty of traditional crafts in accordance with the contents of the exhibition every year. In order to raise interest, we provide semi-completed materials and teach techniques for visitors who want experience, so they can easily complete it.
- Personal/Group Lessons
Embroidery Class: Beginner / Hobby / Intermediate / Advanced / Professional / Successor / Field Practice Instruction
Culture Class: Needlework in relation to embroidery and weaving and dyeing textile / Patterns and designs / Research trip
2022년 하계 정기 강연회
선사시대부터 조선시대까지 한국자수사의 자수기술변천
ppt 강연
매주 토요일 오후 6시. 2시간 소요
강사 김영란 한상수자수박물관장
5인 이상 유료강연
02 744 1545
ppt 강연
매주 화요일 오후 6시. 2시간 소요